Voice Over Editorials:
- Crispin Freeman Interviews Juan Bagnell on 'Voice Acting Mastery'!
- Are You Selling or Waiting?
- [Video] Did I Contradict Myself on USB Mics?
- [Video] Sensitive Mics & Noisy Recordings
- [Video] The Proximity Effect and You!
- Stop Spending as Little as You Can! Start Buying as MUCH as You Can Afford!
- The Art of the Pick Up (not dating advice)
- (Health) After Four Years, My Voice is Starting to Come Back
- (Mailbag) How Do I Get an Agent?
- (Mailbag) Advice for Partner Reads?
- (Mailbag) How Much Money Should I Save For a Home Recording Setup?
- A Not Very Funny Joke About Actors and Microphones...
- A Rant on Bad Habits: Reading Comprehension
- (Mailbag) How to Set Up a Shotgun Microphone
- (Health) Struggling With Longer Copy? Exhale First!
- A Post on Partner Reads, Proximity, and Pet Peeves...
Gear Reviews:
- [Video] Blue Microphones Blueberry
- [Video] Blue Microphones Kiwi
- [Video] sE Electronics SE2200a II Microphone
- [Video] Triad-Orbit M1-R Ball & Socket Mic Stand Adapter
- [Audio] Cascade Microphones Fat Head II Ribbon Microphone
- [Video] Mini-Review: The Cloud Microphone Cloudlifter CL-1 Mic Activator
- [Video] Mini-Review: My All Time Favorite Studio Microphone - The AKG C414 XLS
- [Video] Mini-Review: The FMR Audio RNP 8380 "Really Nice Preamp"
- The V-Moda Vibrato Headphones
- I Got New Headphones! Playing With the Shure SE115K's!
- Messing Around With the Zoom H4n
- The Nokia MD-11 Portable Speaker
- The Nokia BH-905 and The Updated Nokia BH-905i Bluetooth Headphones
- (Living Room Lab) The SM Pro Audio Mic Thing Recording Screen
- [Video] See YEARS worth of movie reviews over at Movies You May Have Missed (link to video archive)
- A Movie We Hope You Don't Miss: Hesher
- A Movie We Hope You Don't Miss: Source Code
- Inception: An Exercise in "Bold Restraint"
- Why I Constantly Talk Crap About George Lucas on MYMHM
- Why Can't We Let Zombies Evolve?
- [Video] Death is Too Good for Them...
- Blade Runner: The Value of Narration
- Are Movie Ratings Meaningless?
- [Video] Why Are Movie Snacks SO LOUD???
- Juan on Sirius/XM Radio!
- [Audio] Interview With American Idol's Aubrey Cleland
- [Video] Interview with Mythology Scholar Crispin Freeman on Vampires and Zombies
- (Lifestyle Product) Review: The Brita Water Filtering Bottle
- Combating the Casual Understanding of a Concept
- Peter Cullen, Optimus Prime, KARR, and How I Got Into Voice Over...
- (Book Review) Voice-Over Voice Actor: What It's Like Behind The Mic