Monday, March 9, 2009

Top 4 Instant Sound Effect Sites

From the Digg post:
It's embarrassing to admit how long I've spent looking online for single-purpose sound effect sites like Instant Rimshot... and it turns out that it is very difficult to Google for these things. My goal was to present the top 5 sites that exist... but instead you're getting the "top" four.
I've covered some of this before, but these sites aren't bad.


read more | digg story


  1. My goal was to present the top 5 sites that exist simply to feature a single sound effect, but instead you're getting the "top" four. And by "top" I mean "only". Hopefully some of you can post more in the comments.

  2. I know right!
    I caught that a little while after posting. That's what I get for linking through a Digg story, yeesh.

    I've got some other links on the right hand side you can check out for more sfx.
