Saturday, March 31, 2007

Musical Performance Art?

The story from the SYSun will explain far better than I will, but here are two excerpts...

Although none of the Cryptogramophone groups that I have heard sound much like one another, they all share certain qualities: Each concocts an original combination of sounds by juxtaposing electronic instruments with traditional acoustic ones, and incorporates musical elements from different parts of the world while maintaining some of the familiar jazz template of varying pre-written ensemble music with solo improvisation.

ok... minus several points for seriously using the word juxtapose...

The acoustic players— Erik Friedlander on cello, Joel Hamilton on bass, and Alex Cline on drums — and the electric ones — the leader on electric violin, David Witham on keys, and Nels Cline on guitar — ganged up to produce some of the most disturbing sounds I have ever heard. After a few minutes, I wanted to storm the stage with a pair of wire-cutters.
Moving to the back of the club helped considerably, and I was able to enjoy Mr. Gauthier's thoughtful last piece.

Uh-huh... So a "good" time was had by all...

someaudioguy some audio guy music voice over concert voice acting

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